Monday, April 6, 2009

Blog 18

1. List the kinds of media you use/read/engage with on a daily basis. Are your choice of media + patterns for interacting with media the same or different from they way it was when you were 5? 10? 15? etc Give short descriptions to explain.

The media I use now varies from music, instant messaging, texting, watching television, emailing or surfing random websites. The choice of media definitely differs from when I was 5, 10 and even 15. When I was 5 and 10, I had no instant messaging (or internet service, for that matter), cell phone, or my own television and computer. Now I have two of my own laptops, my own television, many cellphones, and an ipod. Technology has effortlessly made its way into my life.
2. Rank the relative amount of time you presently spend with each medium -- be as specific as you can.
Texting - has to come first. I text all the time, and prefer it to talking on the phone. I send at least 50 texts a day, probably.
Music - Music is always on for me. At work, in the car, in school (I carry my ipod with me and usually have it on in between classes), when I'm on the computer, when I'm doing homework, when I'm cooking, when I'm watching t.v, etc....
Surfing the Web - I usually spend about 2 hours a day online, for whatever reason.
Watching television - I don't watch television too much. I have certain t.v shows that I must watch, otherwise I barely channel surf. I never watch t.v during the day.
Emailing - With the use of vbulletin and , more often TEXTING, I hardly email anymore. I'll use email to k.i.t with professors and relatives I wouldn't text, and that's about it.
Instant messaging - Once a big deal to me when I first got the internet as an adolescent, I hardly instant message anymore. I am usually never logged into any messenger, and maybe spend 15 minutes a day tops with instant messaging.
3. Describe any media associated with how you perform the following school related tasks:
do math or other calculation-based homework - sometimes use the calculator on the computer
read assignments - i might print out reading materials off the computer
compose a paper (answers may be different for drafting, revising + editing) - i use MS Word all the time
study for an exam - sometimes i'll find help online through tutoring sites.
conduct research / find references - use scholarly journals from Kean's website.
4. Describe any media associated with how you do the following everyday tasks:
drive - listen to music, text (!!!)
eat a meal by yourself - have music in the background, or watch television, or surf the web (this barely happens)
eat with your family/friends - sometimes have music in the background, or a radio talk show.
household chores (cooking, cleaning, household repairs, work on your car) - have music on all the time to keep me company.
5. Describe what you do to relax or in your free time - and how you relax(e.g. watching TV while looking at a magazine and texting a friend)
To relax, I'll listen to music in my room, text, and either read a magazine or surf the web or sketch something or just sleep!
a. Patterns of attention for individual activities: look back over your list and rank the individual practices listed under 3 - 5 . Use a scale of 1 - 5 where 1 is deep attention (focused on one task - creating an environment with no distractions) and 5 is hyper attention (focused on multiple channels for input - creating an environment with many distracting features). These numbers reflect your preferences for attending for individual activities.
math related - 2
read assignments - 4
compose a paper - 4
study for an exam - 3
conduct research - 5
average = 3.6
drive - 5
eat a meal by yourself - 5
eat a meal with family - 2
household chores - 5
average - 4.25
relax - 5
b. Patterns of attending within activity clusters: After you have ranked all the activities you listed, give yourself a score for school activities, living/household activities + relaxation activities by averaging the numbers in each category (for example if you have 3 for math assignments, 4 for reading assignments, 2 for writing papers, and 5 for studying for exams, then your school number would be: 3+4+2+5= 14/4 categories = 3.5 (a little more on the hyper attention side than the deep attention side)
c. Overall pattern for attention. Average all the rating numbers to get your overall pattern for attending.

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